Thursday, December 9, 2010

banyak tanya betul!

Name : Know me as ordy. I know i'm not that popular that i don't want to reveal my name it is just you know internet nowadays~ yahaha
Full name : Ordy not orge as cik syaza tot me of
Sibling(s): 2

eye colour : black. but sometimes i listen to this; 'eh mata kau coklat eh?'
Shoe size : depends on the pattern. i have a kembang style of kaki :)
Hair : Black tak berapa black. DULL. ayah kata 'rambut kamu perang ke kak?'
Height : 156 cm (last time i measured lah)
What are you wearing right now :Stripped T-shirt with hood + PINK Seluar yg xberapa panjang

Favourite number : 23
Favourite drink : Coffee, Cappuccino, Mocha
Favourite month : November serta bulan yang ada banyak cuti :)
Favourite breakfast : Fresh orange + Roti bakar + kaya (jarang dapat,plus mst x knyang punya haha :)

-Have you ever-

Broken a bone : not yet and hopefully never

Been in a police car : Not yet, Police truck? Yes. (Police cadet)
Fallen for a guy/girl in a short period of time : Short period? tak. selalunya lama
Swam in the ocean : what ocean? u mean atlantic ocean and etc? setakat pantai and pulau ade la
Fallen asleep in school : Ade. Sekali kot. Kat surau time stayback,then i nampak ada mata kat langsir. Sampai harini tak tau mata siapa.

Broken someone's heart : Never rasanya. Im not a heart-throb. :'(

Cried when someone died: Yes. (Atuk's, wan achek, even drama pun la)
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : Nope.
Saved e-mails : Nope.

Been cheated on : Nope.


Your room look like : This is originally a guest room but me and my sis turned it out to be OUR room. Hahaha and abandoned our Room upstairs.:)))

what does it look like? u mean now? BERSEPAH :) okay we have one queen bed here with pink bedsheet. hahaha. baru tukar. with so many bantal here and there. Haha we also have michan here, wearing a pair of shoes. gagaga

What is right beside you : Which side? on my left there's a bolster. On my right? Nothing

What is the last thing you ate : Ayam marinated yg ayah masak td.(Penyebab kegemukan)

-Ever Had-

Chicken pox : Once. Form 2

Sore throat : I'm having it now + flu + headache + heartache (miss KHJ strong strong)
Stitches : No. But if i'll be able to deliver a baby (in future) then i might had (betul ke ayat?)

-Do You-

Believe in love at first sight : ALWAYS. I REPEAT ALWAYS. But the last one here
(only if you know who... esss,after a month or two baru TER'fall' pulak)
Like picnics? : Hell yeah


Who did you last yell at? : Little sissy

Who was the last person you danced with? : Myself. try to imitate on SS501- Love like this, I'm your man, please be nice to me, and SUPER JUNIOR SORRY SORRY. HAHAHAHAHA
Who last made you smile? : Jin Won (Watched my mom ,super mom just now)

-Final Questions-

What are you listening to right now? : Kim Hyun Joong, Please be nice to me :)

What did you do today? :MAKAN,Tv,FB,You-tubing,Blogging,Kim hyun joong-ing, SS501-ing
Are you the oldest? : Yeah and i look old too :( mak cik-looks
Indoors or outdoors? : Honestly OUTDOOR, but i don't have the opportunities. Can it be an exucuse?

-Last person who-

(Xhabis lagi??)

You talked to on the phone ? : Ayah. Asking me to open the gate. hehe

Made you cry? : Tengok cerita My mom super mom tadi. Sikit la. Setitik dua. Time Choi kang buat salah kat mak dia and dia mintak maaf gila-gila tu. :'( yeah yeah yeah call me si chembeng.
You went to the mall with ? : Family and friends
Who cheered you up ? : Family and friends

-Have you-

Been to Mexico ? : Belum. kenapa?

Been to USA ? : You mean America? Hahahahahahaha Belummm :))))


What books are you reading right now? : Man and boy. Not yet to be finished
Best feeling in the world? : Grateful and realizing something good

Future kids name? : Nurul Husna Qazreena? He he he he he GATAL

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? : Yeah. even with a real animal. AWANG

What's under your bed? : Tak de ruang bawah katil. Katil bertutup
Favourite sport (s) : Sepak bola kat dinding again and again and again sampai ayah kata 'kakak, kalau kamu main futsal, mesti org takut. macam bulldozer ! '
Favourite place : Rumah sendiri
Who do you really hate? : org yg biadap
Do you have a job? : Nope. are you offering me one now?

What time is it now? : 11.00 PM.

p/s : with however long it took you to complete this, post as " banyak tanya betul!" and tag 15 people. If not you will be married with someone call ATUK or NENEK.!

The lucky people i tagged are :-

15 orang yang nak buat soalan ni. :) SMART HAH?


ribenapurple said...

chembeng ???

gembeng aq tau laa . 2 bahasa pe ? pe mkne ??

Ordinary Blogger said...

heh..! siap ade gamba..xmenahan ko..!

Ordy said...

chembeng tu kuat nangis