Saturday, July 30, 2011


Kenapa aku rasa recent post aku semua gedik belaka? Pendek-pendek belaka, mengada-ngada? Tapi nasib baik la nama blog aku Thoughts and shits. So for this time being i'll be posting shits, no thought. OK bye.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Adoi, macam orang senget tengok video-video korea ni weyh.

Gulung-gulung rambut, sengih-sengih.

Gelak guling-guling.

Download idol punya gelak.

Aduhh hai. Kalau belajar dah banyak dapat ni.

Aigoo, bila nak habis fan-girl-ing ni doh

Friday, July 8, 2011

Dear Shira

Babe, thanks for everything.

Thanks for ur help.

Really appreciate it, don't worry i'll take a good care of him kayh?

U have my words.

Plan A

Tidur lambat sambil tonton movie

Because they have to go to school tomorrow :)

Plan B.

Don't have one

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Give me some space.

Don't make me hate you.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Transformers and me

Yesterday i went for movie at TGV.

It was. 'Transformers 3: Dark of the moon'

AND it was superrRR Awesome eventhough i fall asleep twice.

No no no, it was because we were watching midnight show.

and I just terlayang for about 4-5 seconds only :)

AND you know what?

I found that me and MEGATRON have a similarity !

Guess what?