Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hablumminallah dan Hablumminannas

Sesungguhnya, berdosanya kamu kepada Allah, Ketahuilah bahawa Allah itu maha penyayang dan pengampun.

Tetapi berdosanya kamu keatas manusia, Allah tidak mencampuri urusan itu.
Wahai2 manusia yang telah aku aniayai, aku sakiti, aku yang hina ini tak lari daripada melakukan khilaf dan maka dengan itu,aku pohon maaf.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


I used to have 7 cats named Awang,Dot,Qaseh,Sayang,Cantek,Kelabu, and Wowen. But now there's only 3 left. Which are Awang,DOT,and Wowen. However,today DOT was sent to a clinic since he has been acting very weird lately;since Qaseh,Sayang,Cantek,and Abu gone. DOT has been suffering ulcer since we adopt him. Actually, we found DOT in Pengkalan Balak Melaka while we were on holiday during my last sem break. I was fascinated with his pattern, he's like a New Zealand cow. The doctor said that the vaccine given has affected his ulcer. To be continued! I need to go back to Lendu!!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

where's thought?

So far i've been posting shits. where's the thought?


OK, it's true that this is not my first blog. But the thing is, my previous blog wasn't devastated by any harm or virus or whatever not. I decided to create a new account because my previous blog was totally a shit. Yeah, that's the perfect word for my blog. Orang lain buat blog, awak pun nak buat blog. Lepas tu siap rasa yang blog awak akan meletup-letup orang nak baca. Phuh, Rupa-rupanya nak menulis blog, salah.. nak menaip blog betul-betul menguji. Sebab? kandungan kena menarik, gaya bahasa mesti mantap, mesti mau rajin upload gambar. Saya? dah la pemalas, Bm SPM A2 pulak tu. Tak ke malu? Takpe, lantak kau lah. Kau ketuk jelah papan keyboard tu ye Ordy?

P/S: Tak pe lah, belaja dulu DY OKAYY? :)

New Account

This is not my first blog. But since my previous blog was totally devastated, I decided to create a new account. Let's pray for a full commitment :)